Woolsery featured in the Sunday Times
— 15 May 2017

This month our project at Woolsery in North Devon was featured in the Sunday Times (7 May).
Entrepreneur Michael Birch and his wife Xochi spoke about their connections with the historic village and why they are so invested in restoring it. With ancestry in Woolsery dating back to 18th Century and a place that he visited regularly as child, Michael has a real passion for the village, which he still visits every year.
Jonathan Rhind Architects has been working with local contractors on the site to conserve and renovate the dilapidated properties that were once the heart of this thriving village. The work began with repairs to the roof of The Farmer’s Arms pub, where a new cellar has also been constructed. Work is also well underway in transforming the Manor House into a boutique hotel with public café, working with interior designer, Blacksheep.
Take a look at the piece online: The founders of Bebo are on a quest to save the village pub.
You can find out more about the project in Woolsery in our blog posts documenting the progress of the work here, and welcoming Michael and Xochi here.