The roof drainage and repair works at St Michael and All Angels Church completed last month on time and below budget.
— 13 Dec 2016
New leadwork to church roof/Architects working with contractors to resolve details on site.
This included work to high level gutters behind the parapets, drainage to hoppers in these areas, new leadwork to aisle roofs and lead hand crafted overflow pipes. The rainwater goods were given an overhaul and asbestos removed and replaced with cast iron goods matching the historic profiles and sizes. Finally the underground drainage was renovated and repaired. Together, these works will ensure that the roofs affected are draining freely into the drainage system and the sympathetic alterations fixed several leaking and deficient parts of the building.
Thank you to the PCC, DCC and to the contractors Williams and Burrows for all your hard work.
We look forward to further possible Listed Places of Worship (LPOW) and Heritage Lottery Funded (HLF) funded projects with the church to attend to internal decorations under the recently fixed roof areas.