Jonathan Rhind Architects' highlights of 2024
— 07 Jan 2025

We are looking forward to a great year ahead at Jonathan Rhind Architects as well as celebrating what 2024 brought for us. Here is a quick round up of a few highlights from last year.
In team news, shortly after the ARB confirmed Andy Hedger’s registration as a qualified Architect, two of our talented Senior Architectural Technologists, Peter Thompson and Darryn Marrs, achieved CIAT Conservation accreditation. We welcomed Twearly Peaster back to the Rumwell studio as Part II Architectural Assistant. We also said goodbye to Charlie Matheson and Rick Gilroy who left to continue/focus on their studies.
Our Dartmoor National Park Historic Farm Building Repairs project won the prestigious RICS South West Heritage Award, and has been shortlisted as a 2025 AABC Conservation Awards: Regional Finalist, which is recognition of the collaborative effort that went into this multi stakeholder project.
We held our Fresh Approach to Conservation Management event in the glorious surroundings of Hartland Abbey and St Nectan’s Church Stoke, where we explored Conservation Survey and Repair Strategies and Streamlining the Listed Building Consent process. A tasty pop-up lunch and tours of the Abbey followed presentations in the church, and it was a fantastic opportunity to share insights and innovations in approaches to historic estate repair.
We have lots of exciting projects, team CPD and courses coming up in 2025. Keep an eye on the website for updates.